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Christian Distinctiveness

“I am able to do all things through Him who strengthens me”

Phillippians 4:13

How do we fulfil the Church of England’s vision for education?

At Teynham Parochial Church of England Primary School, our vision encompasses our core beliefs.

Using our Christian values as the golden thread in all we do, we believe that children have the right to Learn, Enjoy, Grow, developing spiritually and having awe-inspiring learning experiences. Our children learn within a culture of acceptance, build resilience and flourish in unique ways in God and his world.

We do this in a variety of ways, living out our School Christian Values daily. Collective worship is one thread that gives children time and space to think about God and the teachings of Jesus and how this relates to their own lives. The Christian Values are another thread that sets the tone for our behaviour expectations and how we treat each other in our school community. The way in which we teach RE has its heart Understanding Christianity. It allows children to think deeply and question faith.

We have strong links to our local vicar, Reverend Steve Lillicrap and St Marys Church in Teynham. Children visit the church to mark key dates in the Christian calendar.

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This year we didn’t ask for donations for the Harvest Festival (due to the cost of living crisis) but we do collect for the food banks all year round.  If at any point you would like to donate, all donations are well received and will be taken to the Family Food Bank.  The children had a lovely service thinking and praying for others.