01795 521217

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For Parents

Food and Drink Information

The school is part of the National Breakfast Programme. Part of this means that we provide hot bagels to all children at the start of every day.

The school also provides fruit bowls for the children to have when they come into school.

Any child from Yr R to Yr 6 can opt in to have a carton of milk at playtime – please inform the office if your child would like milk.

Bagels, fruit and milk are free to all children as we feel that no child should every be hungry.

Healthy Tuckshop – details below

All children are provided at the start of the academic year with a water bottle which they can have at any time in the classroom. Some children bring in a drinks bottle to have with their hot school dinners or packed lunch from home. This must be water, squash or fruit juice. Fizzy and energy drinks are not allowed.

We encourage children to bring in healthy packed lunch – sweets and chocolates are not to be included. The healthy plate is a useful way to encourage your child to think about healthy foods to eat.

We are a nut free school

Primary Menu click this link to view the menu 

School_Meal_Payment_2021 letter from Nourish about payments