01795 521217

Keep safe


Teynham CE Primary School not only look after the education of all of their pupils but their emotional well-being is also of paramount importance.

Our nurture club this week 17th November 2022:
We have been exploring our own feelings which was reflected in sharing things about of families. The children created what they were feeling using creative methods. We enjoyed sharing our creations with each other and developing them further in our conversations. 

Universal Needs:

means the needs of all children and encourage them to create opportunities that develop resilience.

Additional Needs:

refers to the needs of those who are made vulnerable – this may be through life experiences.

Targeted Needs:

 are the needs of children who require differentiated support. This may be through interventions, targeted resources and pastoral well- being support. This may include children who are SEND or those with medical needs.



Be supportive and understanding

We recognise that everyone experiences life challenges which can make them emotional and vulnerable. Anyone may need additional support at any time.

Have a positive School ethos

Through our school values we promote well-being and mental health with positivity, caring and a sense of belonging. Each class has a way of ensuring each child is able to let the adults in their class know how they are feeling

Well-being team

We have a well-being team which has members of staff who are trained to deal with well-being and mental health. All staff are able to recognise triggers and signs regarding emotional well-being.

Safe spaces

The children are aware that there are a number of safe spaces they can use if they, or an adult, feels they need to.

A trusted adult

Children may pick a trusted adult to go to who will make time to talk to them.

Lunchtime Nurture Group

The nurture group, led by a trained member of staff, provides a safe space for children to talk, play and take part in activities to aid their well-being.

  • The school Nurse
  • GP
  • Pediatrician
  • Early Help
  • Social Services
  • Counsellors/therapist
Childnet help for 4- 11 years old
Help with use of Whatsapp