01795 521217

Keep safe



The Designated Safeguarding Leads (DSL) in school are:

Mrs E Pearson (Headteacher) Mrs C Murray (Deputy Headteacher) and Mrs B Mcintosh (SENCo) Miss H Tapsell

We recognise the importance of providing an ethos and environment within school that will help children to feel safe, secure and respected; encourage them to talk openly; and enable them to feel confident that they will be listened to.

We will endeavour to support the welfare and safety of all pupils through:

  • Maintaining the children’s welfare as our paramount concern
  • Ensuring the content of the curriculum includes social and emotional aspects of learning
  • Ensuring that child protection is included in the curriculum to help children stay safe, recognise when they don’t feel safe and identify who they might/can talk to
  • Providing suitable support and guidance so that children have a range of appropriate adults to approach if they are in difficulties
  • Promoting a positive, supportive, neutral and secure environment where children can develop a sense of being valued and heard in their own right
  • Ensuring all steps are taken to maintain site security and children’s physical safety
  • Working with parents to build an understanding of the school’s responsibility to ensure the welfare of all children including the need to referral to other agencies in some situations
  • Developing effective and supportive liaison with other agencies