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Rabbit blog

We are extremely happy to be in Year 3! It is really fun to learn new things and so far we have learnt lots and lots of really cool and interesting things, which we would like to tell you all about.

Our topic this term is called INVASION! It is all about the Anglo Saxons and how they invaded Britain (or Britannia as the Anglo Saxons called it). The Anglo Saxons had to come to Britain because their own countries were flooded and they couldn’t grow any crops. The Anglo Saxons were originally called Angles, Saxons and Jutes. Layla really likes learning about it because she likes learning about what happened a really long time ago.

In our reading lessons, we have also been learning about the Anglo Saxons. First, we read a poem called Beowulf. Jessica really liked reading this because we found out how Beowulf managed to defeat the evil monster, Grendel! We have just started reading a new book called ‘The King who Threw Away his Throne.’ Maisy likes this book because its written by Terry Deary, who also wrote the Horrible Histories books.

In RE, we are trying to answer the question ‘What is it like to follow God?’ We are learning what some new words mean including: a promise, an agreement and a covenant. A covenant is a promise between people and God – God made a covenant with Noah after the flood. God made a sign of the covenant, which was a rainbow. This showed that God would never destroy the Earth again.

In PPA, we have been drawing Anglo Saxon artefacts and taking care to look at the small details. We have been learning how to colour match using watercolour paints. In cooking, we have made snickerdoodles and cakes! They were all yummy!

In Science, we are learning about different eco systems. We have found out about food chains. We are now thinking about how humans impact different eco-systems. We want to look after our world.