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Hedgehog Class Year 6 Blog Term 5

Teynham School > Year 6 - Hedgehog > Hedgehog Class Year 6 Blog Term 5

Year 6


In year 6, we have been using the book ‘Gorilla’ by Michael Browne to practice writing high quality sentences. We have been focusing on different forms of grammar in preparation for our SPAG SATs paper.


In maths, we have been looking at angles in triangles and quadrilaterals. In addition to this we have recently moved on to learning how to plot and identify coordinates in all of the four quadrants. Alongside this, the class have been busy practising their arithmetic skills in preparation for their SATs assessment.


In addition to answering SATs style comprehension questions, we have recently started reading ‘Who let the Gods Out’ by Maz Evans. This book, which links to our ‘Ancient Greece’ history topic will provide inspiration for writing activities later in the term.


In art we have been looking closely at ancient Greek vases and have had a go at producing out own.


In science we have been looking at changes in materials. We have conducted a number of practical experiments such as testing the solubility of different substances and seeing how the temperature of water impacts the speed in which a substance dissolve.