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Rabbits blog

We feel really lucky to be able to learn lots and lots of new things this term. Some of it is a bit tricky, but we use our growth mindsets and knowledge to work out how to do our lessons.

In Topic, we are continuing to learn about Anglo Saxons, but this term we are also learning about the Vikings. So far, we think the Vikings are a bit mean because they stole loads of expensive things from the monks and killed lots of people! They used to fight a lot and burn down whole villages!

This week, we went on a school trip to Canterbury Cathedral to learn more about the Anglo Saxons. Elsie thought it was really exciting because we got to dress up as different characters and walk around the Cathedral. We spent time writing our names in Viking runes, making Canterbury crosses and creating stained glass windows.

We’ve been learning lots of new information about Sikhs in our RE lessons. We have learnt that Sikhs try to think about God in all that they do, work hard and share all that they have. We have also enjoyed learning stories about Guru Nanak and thinking about the messages we can learn from them.

We are about to start practicing for our class assembly, which is all about the Anglo Saxons! We can’t wait to show our parents all that we have learnt.

In PE, we have been learning gymnastics with Miss Tapsell and have learnt three shapes: pike, straddle and tuck. We’re now starting to use these shapes when jumping from apparatus. We are working hard to keep our legs and arms straight when we finish and keep our toes pointed too.

Our Maths has been getting really challenging! We are now adding and subtracting 2 and 3 digit numbers.

In English, we have started a new book called ‘Odd and the Frost Giant.’ George thinks that Odd is his favourite character. Lucas really likes it because it’s his dad’s favourite book! We can’t wait to find out what happens at the end.

We are going to carry on working really hard and spreading kindness and positivity everywhere we go!