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Squirrel Class Year One Class Blog Term 4

Teynham School > Year 1 - Squirrel > Squirrel Class Year One Class Blog Term 4

Squirrel class begun this term with STEAM week (science, technology, engineering, art and maths) We had a fabulous week learning all about bridges. We did investigations to work out the best materials for building our bridges and exploring what bridges look like and what we can use them for. We also found out which shapes were the strongest. Towards the end of the week we used all our newfound knowledge to design our own bridges, working together in pairs to build our designs. At the end of the week we were able to evaluate our creations and talk about what we did well.

Squirrel class are enjoying continuing their topic, ‘Bright Lights Big City’. In English we have been reading the book ‘The Queen’s hat’ and thinking about all the different landmarks in London. We have been using the positional language we learnt in geography last term to write instructions for how to get from one landmark to another, and how to help The Queen find her hat! We have linked this to our work in Geography, where we have learned about London and compared it to other capital cities. We had a fantastic trip to London Zoo, and our journey there took us past many of the London landmarks we have been studying.

In Maths we have been thinking more about addition and subtraction and different ways of doing these. We have also been thinking about related facts, and finding the inverse. Eg. 2+3=5 is the same as 3+2=5 which also means that we can know 5-2=3 and 5-3=2. More recently we have moved on to exploring numbers up to 50.

In our DT days at the end of term where we have designed and built cars with wheels that can move.

In PE this term we have been looking at bat and ball skills and with Team Theme we have been practising Tennis.

Our topic in RE is ‘Salvation’. We have been learning about the Easter story. We have been thinking about how this effects the way Christians celebrate Easter today, and how the stories in the Bible effect their lives.

PSHE this term has been thinking about ‘Healthy Me’. We have been talking about making healthy choices, staying clean, being safe with medicines and some road safety too.