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Year 2 Bumblebee Class blog

Teynham School > Latest News > Year 2 Bumblebee Class blog

This term we have enjoyed learning about our topic, childhood.  We have explored childhood artefacts from the past, guessing what they might have been used for, and explaining how they are the same as, or different from, equivalent items we might use today.  We have practised using sequencing words, including to order a timeline of our own lives.  This has informed our work in English where we have begun to draft an autobiography, inspired by Malala Yousafzai’s ‘Malala’s Magic Pencil’, and Floella Benjamin’s ‘Coming to England’.

We are getting very good at counting in 2s, 5s and 10s in maths, as well as making equal groups, doubles and arrays.

In science we have learnt about materials, and have classified objects based on the material from which they’re made.

We’ve learnt an action song (‘Tony Chestnut’) in music, practising our call-and-response skills, and in art have worked on colour wheels showing the relationship between primary and secondary colours.

We’ve discussed responsibilities and hopes/fears for the year in PSHE, and are exploring the Christian Creation story in RE.  Gymnastics has been our PE focus this term (rolls, jumps and balance), and in IT we have been identifying how computers are used in school and in the wider world.

In addition, the children composed a lovely class acrostic poem for the harvest service, and were very eager to share their linguistic knowledge during International Day of Languages, where we taught each other how to say ‘hello’ in lots of different languages.

We always make time for fun on Friday mornings, and have enjoyed a well-deserved mini film with popcorn, topic-related colouring, and dance/song.

Well done for all you have achieved so far this term, Bumblebees!