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Year 2 Bumblebee Class Blog Term 2

Teynham School > Latest News > Year 2 Bumblebee Class Blog Term 2

Year 2 Bumblebee Class Blog Term 2

This term our topic and English focus has been the 1950s, allowing us to learn how elements of life and childhood were the same as, or different to, current times – we will be writing a non-chronological report of 1950s life to present our finidings.  In support of our topic we were visited by Caroline from the Fleur de Lis Museum in Faversham, who brought with her a range of toys from the 1950s for us to investigate and handle.  We noticed that many of them were made of metal and wood rather than plastic (linking to last term’s science topic on materials), and that some were key operated rather than powered by batteries.  We are reading Michael Morpurgo’s Mimi and the Mountain Dragon in the run-up to Christmas, to develop our reading comprehension skills.

In maths we are reinforcing counting in tens, which is helping us to understand the place value nature of our number system, or how a digit’s value is affected by its position in a number.  We are also practising writing numbers to 100 in words.  Related activities will continue to be set on MyMaths on a weekly basis (log-in details were sent out in term 1).

Human senses are the focus of science this term, including labelling body parts (we now know where to find our pelvis, abdomen and upper arm!), and in art we are exploring portraiture, including using different techniques (oil pastels, collage and simple stitches) to create our own portraits.

Our RE focus this term is incarnation, linking nicely to our preparation for the school’s nativity performance in December.  In PSHE we are celebrating difference, including learning to respect the differences and similarities between boys and girls, and how we respond to bullying.  In computing we are exploring taking photos with digital devices (as well as continuing to reinforce online safety), and the children continue with their Team Theme PE and dance sessions on Wednesday afternoons.  In addition to learning our nativity songs, we will also be exploring music through Saint-Saens’s Carnival of the Animals.

Thank you for your continued support, especially reading on a daily basis with your child/children.  We look forward to welcoming many of you to our nativity and wonder learning walk next month, when the children can showcase everything they have learnt this term!