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Year 6 Hedgehog Class Blog Term 3

Teynham School > Year 6 - Hedgehog > Year 6 Hedgehog Class Blog Term 3

In maths children are learning Algebra. Algebra is a field of maths which involve letters being used to represent numbers. Children will learn how to simplify algebraic equations and how algebraic formula works.


In English the children are working hard writing non-chronological reports related to their Geography topic. Children are writing reports on farming in the UK. Children will be using a variety of advanced grammatical devices in their reports.

The children are currently reading ‘The Secret Garden’ by Frances Hodgson Burnett. The children have very much enjoyed getting to know the protagonist, Mary and will be learning more about this intriguing character as the story develops.

In RE the children are learning about Humanist. Humanism is not a religion but rather a way of thinking. The children have been fascinated in learning about the values of Humanists and comparing these values to their own.

In art children have been creating beautiful landscapes using a variety of media. They have used water colour and acrylic paints and have focused on using perspective to really bring their pictures to life.

The children are loving learning about farming. They have been learning about the different types of farming and the type of conditions which are most favourable for farming to take place.