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Year 5 – Fox


Fox Class Blog – Term 1 This term we are learning about Ancient China, we have learnt that there were multiple dynasties which are different times through the Chinese civilization history. It was the first civilisation to be named and it is also believed that they invented the compass. In science we are learning about...
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Fox Class blog Exciting news! We have harvested some of the vegetables. Some the vegetables we have harvested are potatoes, peas and beans. This term we have continued reading the book called ‘Who Let the Gods Out’ which is a story about a boy who wished upon a star, he didn’t expect a constellation to...
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Fox Class blog The seeds from last term are still going strong and are continuing to grow, hopefully soon we will be able to start harvesting them! This term we have been reading the book called ‘Who Let the Gods Out’ which is a story about a boy who wished upon a star, he didn’t...
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Fox Class Blog Thank you for everyone that came to our class assembly, we really hope you enjoyed it as much as we did! The seeds we have planted have started to sprout and we look forward to watching them grow so we can harvest them soon. As we come to the end of our...
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FOX CLASS BLOG TERM 3 Last Friday we had rail safety day, during this day we spoke a lot about how to keep ourselves and others safe around trains, stations and the tracks. The whole school did different activities to explore and show how to be safe in different ways. We created posters, podcasts and...
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On Monday we had Peter from the astronomy roadshow come and visit. He set up a HUGE dome in the hall and we all went inside where he projected lights and showed our galaxy and the stars. We learnt about the seasons, day and night and all the planets. He also brought in some samples...
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Fox Class Blog – Term 1 This term we are learning about Ancient China, we have learnt that there were multiple dynasties which are different times through the Chinese civilization history. It was the first civilisation to be named and it is also believed that they invented the compass. In science we are learning about...
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Fox Class Blog This term we have continued our topic on the                  Frozen Kingdoms, this time we are focussing on explorers such as Sir Ernest Shackleton who was famous for his expeditions to Antarctica. We look forward to seeing you on Tuesday for our class assembly! In...
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Frozen Kingdom This term, year 5 have been learning about the Arctic and Antarctic. We have made sculptures out of soap and clay, we made animals which we have researched about. Some of these animals are penguins, polar bears, orcas and many, many more. Sadly, the population of these animals is rapidly decreasing because of...
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On Friday 18th November the local MP Gordon Henderson came to visit our class to announce the new winner of the Litter Angels competition. A few weeks ago, we all designed a poster to help explain and encourage recycling. Sadly, we did not win the overall competition but Natalia was our class winner and was...
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